Match Profile

Kisian Rangers 0-1 Ramba Kanyamedha

:Feb 25th (Sun) :13:00Hrs

Kisian RangersKisian Rangers

Click Here to view Kisian Rangers player profiles
1. Abayo Peter Omondi FKF031101
2. Adundo Bosco Otieno FKF031096
3. Agola Barack Odhiambo FKF035938
4. Akong'o Victor Olwande FKF040735
5. Alai James Odingo FKF040734
6. Ali Shaban Ahmed FKF050213
7. Aluoch Flavius Aluoch FKF050265
8. Amolo Partrick Bodi FKF051583
9. Aringo Joab FKF042806
10. Bwire Emmance FKF024607
11. Genga Phelemon Ogonda FKF016547
12. Guda Hesbon Ochieng FKF050011
13. Issiko Viane FKF031327
14. Modi Felix Ouma FKF031329
15. Modi Lawrence FKF029068
16. Nyaoke Samuel Maurice FKF028186
17. Ochieng Richard Seda FKF051582
18. Odhiambo Charles FKF042804
19. Odindo Joseph Oduor FKF040736
20. Odongo Brighton Benea Wambuga FKF030217
21. Odoyo Samuel Awuor FKF049886
22. Ogallo Phelix Omondi FKF031095
23. Ojowa Walter Amos FKF028633
24. Omondi Elly FKF024590
25. Omondi George Brown FKF030215
26. Oriako Samuel Ochieng FKF030218
27. Otieno Dancan FKF050012
28. Otieno Denis Owino FKF031331
29. Otieno Fredrick Aggrey FKF040733
30. Otieno Joram FKF049890
31. Otieno Moses Ouma FKF042805
32. Owade Harison Oluoch FKF030860
33. Owuor Brian Odhiambo FKF050016

Ramba KanyamedhaRamba Kanyamedha

Click Here to view Ramba Kanyamedha player profiles
1. Auko Derrick Ochieng FKF049759
2. Eshitera Kevin FKF042829
3. Kose Isaac Okoth FKF049893
4. Malawo Calistus Odhiambo FKF028686
5. Masulu Johnstone Orocho FKF028759
6. Mwadime Stanley FKF037459
7. Obinda Edmond Jarvis FKF028641
8. Obura David Omondi FKF028683
9. Odhiambo Dayle Bill FKF029089
10. Odhiambo Geofrey Ocheng FKF028695
11. Ogaya Christopher Otieno FKF050088
12. Ogunga Byrone FKF049760
13. Okoth Glen FKF049761
14. Okoth Phabian Odhiambo FKF013890
15. Omollo Brian FKF007541
16. Omollo Jeremiah FKF042820
17. Omondi Nicolas Onyango FKF028757
18. Omulo Derick FKF049762
19. Ondiek Charles Ochola FKF028647
20. Ondiek Lawrence Odhiambo FKF028693
21. Onditi Victor Opiyo FKF004539
22. Ondu Leonard FKF042821
23. Ongoro Antony Ochieng FKF049894
24. Orwa Joseph Ochieng FKF028692
25. Otieno Jack Gregory FKF028752
26. Otieno Nicholas FKF007380
27. Otieno Nicolas Ochieng FKF049763
28. Otieno Sam Onyango FKF037146
29. Ouma Brian Odhiambo FKF050089
30. Owino Samuel Ochieng FKF028679
31. Owino Vincent Ouma FKF028758
32. Oyamo John Otieno FKF028753
33. Oyoti Francis Ondiko FKF028755
34. Rowa Godfrey Ochieng FKF028634

Kisian Rangers prematch form

8 Won
2 Draws
0 Lost
19 Scored
5 Conceded

Ramba Kanyamedha prematch form

? D W L W W W W D W
6 Won
2 Drawn
1 Lost
18 Scored
10 Conceded
View Fixtures/Results View Standings

Compare league positions

# Team Pl Wn Dw Ls F/A +/- Pts
1. Ramba Kanyamedha 17 12 4 1 39/15 +24 40
2. Kisian Rangers 16 10 3 3 23/10 +13 33


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